FRC5805-SMbly Required

Robotics Club at Santa Margarita HS

2020 Robot


2019 Robot

Big Yoshi



SMbly Required, FIRST team 5805, all began with the inclusion of robotics into Santa Margarita Catholic High School's curriculum during the 2014-2015 school year. During that year, the students in the robotics class became interested in and founded SMbly Required began the journey with Vex competitions prior to the FRC season. Through learning about robotics on the go, and developing a team through the enthusiasm and excitement of the students, FIRST team 5805 was created for the 2015-2016 school year.


The mission of SMbly Required, a student let robotics team, is to create a welcoming program that allows students and members of the community to explore STEM through the process of designing, manufacturing, assembling, and programming. Students, teachers, mentors, and volunteers with various backgrounds utilize their collective skills to work as a unified team. With the help of mentors, students are able to have a real-life engineering experience, acquire and master different skills, develop interest and passion, and have fun under the program.